Thursday, March 19, 2020

Virtual Reality essays

Virtual Reality essays Virtual Reality is yet another advancement in New Communication Technologies. Will it cause people, and society as a whole, to lose their grip on the real world? Or is it purely a continuation of technological advancement that allows humans to explore imaginary places? Like any other technology created by man, Virtual Reality has both negative and positive effects (Oravec, 1996). Virtual Reality (VR) is a system that enables single or multiple users to move and react in a computer simulated environment. It contains various types of devices, which allow users to sense and manipulate virtual objects the same way as they would real objects. VRs natural style of interaction allows participants the feeling of being immersed in the simulated world. The virtual worlds in which participants are immersed are created by mathematical models and computer programs (Zeltzer, 2000). Virtual Reality, when effective, creates an environment with benefits pertaining to education and safety (Osberg, 1992). VR invites user participation in problem solving, concept development, and creative expression, in an environment that is safer than the real world (Osberg, 1992). VR can also, and in some case has already, been very successful in areas such as military, training/education, surgery, entertainment, advertising, and tourism (NCT Course Content, 2001). Apart from physiological issues, VR has several psychological issues such as addiction, brainwashing, effects of interactive pornography or violence, and desensitisation or devaluing of the real world (NCT Course Content, 2001). The major concern of some critics is that Virtual Reality will use us in the future by becoming too large for us to control (Kalli, Chritine, 2000, p.1). It may be used so frequently, that humans will use the virtual world as a means of escape. People will create a perfect VR environment to live in so they ...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Scientifically Proven Ways to Start Thinking Creatively

Scientifically Proven Ways to Start Thinking Creatively There are lots of articles out there with advice on how to improve creativity. But how much of it is actually backed by scientific research? The following methods for boosting the imagination are all supported by published studies: Stop Organizing Your Workspace Apparently, keeping a messy desk serves as greater creative inspiration than keeping an organized one, according to a study published in Psychological Science. It kind of goes with the image of the mad genius who doesn’t know what color socks he’s wearing because he’s too busy inventing the internet. So, stop tidying up, sit down in your mess, and create. Paint Your Walls Blue The color blue has the ability to stimulate the brain’s creative synapses by reminding it of â€Å"the sky, the ocean and water, most people associate blue with openness, peace and tranquility† according to Juliet Zhu, a psychologist who conducted a study on color association and brain activity. This sense of peacefulness also allows people to feel supported enough to risk creative exploration. Turn Your Lights Down Low Dim lighting also helps stimulate creativity. It makes people feel â€Å"freedom, self-determination and reduced inhibition.† A study that asked students to solve creative problems found that those in the dimly lit rooms (150 lux) performed much better than those in a brightly lit room (1,500 lux). Buy low-wattage light bulbs for your room to help activate your imagination. Cultivate a Diverse Social Circle A study of Stanford Business School alumni revealed that the graduates with the highest level of creative thinking were those who networked extensively with groups of people outside their business colleagues. This exposed them to new ideas and allowed them to take more risks in thinking than if they were restricted to their normal social group. Hang Out in a Coffee Shop This has nothing to do with the intellectual tradition that coffee shops have or with the drink itself. It turns out that most coffee shops have a level of noise that supports creative thinking, as stated by The Journal of Consumer Research. Many coffee shops tend to have about 70 decibels of background noise. Extremely quiet environments like that of a library are good places to work if you need to concentrate and focus. But they don’t stimulate creativity. Travel According to the article in the Scientific American heading into the unknown can also spark the creative fires. A different setting where anything could happen and your routine hasn’t worn a groove into your brain can help create new pathways in the brain and inspire the imagination. It also creates â€Å"psychological distance† from the rest of your life, which allows you to be more open to new thoughts and solutions. Learn a New Language Along with travel comes multilingualism the ability to communicate in more than two languages. Whether you learn a new language in a foreign setting or at home, it doesn’t matter. The skill itself challenges the brain to refine its cognitive and problem-solving skills, leading to enhanced creative thinking. Meditate Adopting a meditative practice into your daily routine could help you improve creatively. A study from Cornell University observed the creative skills of a group of new meditators over the course of five months. The results were heightened mental flexibility and enhanced figurative skills. Exercise A little aerobic exercise is an incredibly useful habit to adopt. It not only ensures general overall health, but it improves mood and supplies the brain with fresh oxygen, thus enhancing your brain’s cognitive function and imaginative prowess. Next time you want to amp up your creativity, go for a short jog or bike ride, play tennis or go for a swim. Engage in the exercise of your choice to enhance your innovative abilities. Who wouldn’t want to be more creative if they could? Here’s your chance to make use any or all of these methods to improve your creative abilities and see a difference in your imaginative skills. Enjoy!